
September 30, 2016

The city of Tabari

Psalm 107: 4 – 7. 


The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 

Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.


  1. Yes, Tabarikum is a safe place for us to stay. Here the people of Israel did not find their refuge. So they wandered in the wilderness. The path is unknown in the wilderness. There is no source. No water. Unbearable heat. So their souls were weakened and tired.


Our refuge today is the Lord Jesus Christ. We must live in the shadow of His Word. Then we don’t need to wander. He will nourish us with words. Thirst will be quenched by the Holy Spirit. He will fill you with heavenly joy.


  1. They cried out to the Lord in their peril. He freed them from these bonds. Let us call upon the Lord. Let’s pray. He will free us from these fetters.


  1. So he led them on a straight path to reach the town of Tabari. Yes, He will not only set us free, but he will bring us into the heavenly kingdom, the city of refuge we must go to. Are we wandering in the wilderness today? Realize our danger and cry out to God. Our Jesus is waiting to set us free. Let us praise him for his love.


  1. Psalm 91:9-13. You have taken refuge in the supreme Lord who is my refuge. therefore


  1. Evil shall not befall thee.


  1. Pestilence will not come near your tent.


  1. He will command the angels to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their arms, lest you strike against a stone.


  1. You will walk like a lion and like a viper. You will trample the mighty lion and the mighty serpent.


Yes, in this world the Lord and His words are our refuge, may the Lord Himself bless us.